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Skamania County Map, Washington

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Skamania County, Washington

Skamania Location Map Washington

Skamania County is a wild place. It sits in the southwest corner of Washington, straddling the Cascade Mountains. Trees. Everywhere you look, there are trees. The county is mostly national forest and wilderness areas.

You want outdoor adventures? This is your spot. Hiking, camping, fishing and you can really take your pick. The Columbia River Gorge cuts through, offering killer views and wind sports. Mount St. Helens looms to the west, looking down at you.

Small towns are across the landscape like Carson and Underwood. Each one has its own vibe. Stevenson, the county seat, has that laid-back river town feel. It’s not a wealthy place, but the scenery more than makes up for it.

County NameSkamania County
County SeatStevenson
PopulationApproximately 12,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesStevenson, Carson, North Bonneville, Underwood
Interstates and HighwaysWA-14
FIPS Code53-059
Total Area (Land and Water)1,684 sq mi (Land: 1,656 sq mi; Water: 28 sq mi)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Lewis County (North), Yakima County (Northeast), Klickitat County (East), Hood River County, Oregon (South), Multnomah County, Oregon (Southwest), Clark County (West), Cowlitz County (West)
Time ZonePacific Time Zone (PT)
Coordinates45.9336° N, 121.9260° W
EtymologyNamed after a Chinookan word meaning “swift water”
Major LandmarksColumbia River Gorge, Beacon Rock State Park, Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
WebsiteSkamania County Website

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