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Koochiching County Map, Minnesota

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Koochiching County, Minnesota

Koochiching Location Map Minnesota

Koochiching County is about as far north as you can get in Minnesota without hitting Canada. International Falls is the biggest town, and let me tell you, they earn that “Icebox of the Nation” nickname. Winters here are no joke.

The place is mostly forest and lakes, with Voyageurs National Park right next door. The Rainy River forms the border with Canada, and it’s loaded with walleye and sturgeon. Logging is still a big deal up here. You’ll see plenty of trucks piled high with timber.

The county’s is pretty cool. Boise Forte Reservation is in the county too in the southwest. It’s a cool heritage center worth checking out. Oh, and if you’re into northern lights, this is prime viewing territory.

County NameKoochiching County
County SeatInternational Falls
PopulationApproximately 12,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesInternational Falls, Northome, Littlefork, Big Falls, Mizpah, Ranier
Interstates and HighwaysUS 53, MN 11, MN 71
FIPS Code27-071
Total Area (Land and Water)3,154 square miles (Land: 3,103 sq mi, Water: 51 sq mi)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Saint Louis County (East), Itasca County (South), Beltrami County (Southwest), Lake of the Woods County (Northwest)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CT)
Coordinates48.5003° N, 93.7502° W
EtymologyNamed after the Ojibwe word “Gojijiing,” meaning “at the place of inlets”
Major LandmarksVoyageurs National Park, Rainy Lake, Koochiching State Forest, Smokey Bear Park
WebsiteKoochiching County Website

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