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Sanpete County Map, Utah

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Sanpete County, Utah

Sanpete Location Map Utah

Sanpete County is right in the heart of Utah. The Wasatch Plateau looms to the east, a constant backdrop to daily life. Manti is the county seat, home to a Mormon temple that looks like a fairytale castle.

Sheep farming used to be huge here. They still celebrate it with the “Lamb Days” festival in Fountain Green. You’ll find some of the best rock climbing in the state at Maple Canyon.

Snowmobiling is popular in winter, while summer brings hikers and campers to the mountains. And if you’re into paragliding, you’re in luck. The county is a hot spot for the sport.

County NameSanpete County
County SeatManti
PopulationApproximately 32,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesManti, Ephraim, Mt. Pleasant, Fairview, Gunnison
Interstates and HighwaysUS-89, UT-132, UT-31
FIPS Code49-039
Total Area (Land and Water)1,603 sq mi (Land: 1,588 sq mi; Water: 15 sq mi)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Utah County (North), Carbon County (Northeast), Emery County (East), Sevier County (South), Millard County (Southwest), Juab County (Northwest)
Time ZoneMountain Time Zone (MT)
Coordinates39.3620° N, 111.5701° W
EtymologyNamed after the Ute chief Sanpitch
Major LandmarksManti Utah Temple, Palisade State Park, Skyline Drive
WebsiteSanpete County Website

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