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Runnels County Map, Texas

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Runnels County, Texas

Runnels Location Map Texas

Central West Texas is home to Runnels County, a place where agriculture reigns supreme. Ballinger, the county seat, sits along the Colorado River. This isn’t the lush river you might be picturing because it’s more of a lazy, winding stream most of the year.

The county is named after Hiram G. Runnels, a former Mississippi governor who moved to Texas. Cotton is king here, but you’ll also see fields of wheat and sorghum. Ranching is still important too. The landscape is mostly flat, with some rolling hills thrown in for good measure.

Oil was discovered here in the 1940s, giving the economy a boost. These days, wind turbines are becoming a common sight on the horizon. Folks here are friendly and down-to-earth. It’s the kind of place where everyone waves as they pass by on the street.

County NameRunnels County
County SeatBallinger
PopulationApproximately 10,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesBallinger, Winters, Stiles, and Lohn
Interstates and HighwaysU.S. Highway 67, U.S. Highway 83
FIPS Code48-399
Total Area (Land and Water)1,097 square miles (1,095 sq mi land, 2 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Taylor County (North), Coleman County (East), Concho County (South), Tom Green County (Southwest), Coke County (West), Nolan County (Northwest)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CST)
Coordinates31°43’N, 99°57’W
EtymologyNamed after Hiram Runnels, the ninth governor of Mississippi
Major LandmarksBallinger City Park, Runnels County Courthouse
WebsiteRunnels County Website

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