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Curry County Map, New Mexico

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Curry County, New Mexico

Curry Location Map New Mexico

Big sky country meets the high plains in Curry County. It’s way out in eastern New Mexico, right on the Texas border. Flat? You bet. But there’s beauty in that openness. Clovis is the main town and is known for its music scene. Rock ‘n’ roll legend Buddy Holly recorded here.

Agriculture is the lifeblood of this county. You’ll see lots of fields of wheat, sorghum, and cotton covering the region here. Dairy farms are everywhere. The joke goes that cows outnumber people here.

Cannon Air Force Base brings a mix of folks from all over. It gives the area a unique vibe, that’s for sure. Summers are hot, winters are cold. The wind? It never stops blowing. People here are hardworking and no-nonsense. They’re proud of their rural roots.

County NameCurry County
County SeatClovis
PopulationApproximately 49,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesClovis, Melrose, Texico, Grady
Interstates and HighwaysU.S. Route 60, U.S. Route 70, U.S. Route 84
FIPS Code35-009
Total Area (Land and Water)1,408 square miles (1,405 sq mi land, 3 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Quay County (Northwest), Roosevelt County (South), Bailey County, Texas (Southeast), Parmer County, Texas (East), Deaf Smith County, Texas (Northeast)
Time ZoneMountain Time Zone (MT)
StateNew Mexico
Coordinates34.5623° N, 103.3219° W
EtymologyNamed after George Curry, territorial governor of New Mexico
Major LandmarksHillcrest Park Zoo, Norman Petty Recording Studios, Blackwater Draw Museum
WebsiteCurry County Website

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