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Deaf Smith County Map, Texas

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Deaf Smith County, Texas

Deaf Smith Location Map Texas

Named after a Texas Revolution hero, Deaf Smith County sits up in the Panhandle. People here are friendly, hardworking, and tough as old boots. Palo Duro Canyon, not so far away, is like a mini Grand Canyon.

Hereford is the county seat, and they’re not shy about their beef. They call themselves the “Beef Capital of the World”. Bold claim, but they back it up. This is cattle country without a doubt.

But it’s not all cows. They grow a ton of corn, wheat, and sugar beets too. The landscape is mostly flat, but don’t let that fool you. There’s beauty in those wide-open spaces. You can see for miles and miles.

County NameDeaf Smith County
County SeatHereford
PopulationApproximately 18,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesHereford
Interstates and HighwaysU.S. Highway 60, State Highway 214
FIPS Code48-117
Total Area (Land and Water)1,498 square miles (1,497 sq mi land, 1 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Oldham County (North), Potter County (Northeast), Randall County (East), Castro County (Southeast), Parmer County (South), Curry County, New Mexico (Southwest), Quay County, New Mexico (West)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CST)
Coordinates34°58’N, 102°30’W
EtymologyNamed after Erastus “Deaf” Smith, a scout and soldier in the Texas Revolution
Major LandmarksDeaf Smith County Historical Museum, Hereford Aquatic Center, John Pitman Municipal Golf Course
WebsiteDeaf Smith County Website

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