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Foard County Map, Texas

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Foard County, Texas

Foard Location Map Texas

Foard County sits in northwest Texas, part of the Rolling Plains region. It’s small. One of the least populous counties in the state, actually. Crowell is the county seat and is the only incorporated city.

This is wide-open country. The kind of place where you can see for miles. Ranching is big here and it always has been since the county was founded in 1891. The Wichita River flows through, providing water in an otherwise dry land.

Copper Breaks State Park is nearby with stargazing opportunities you wouldn’t believe. The county is named after Robert L. Foard, an attorney and Confederate major. People here are resilient. They’ve weathered droughts, dust storms, and everything else Texas has thrown at them.

County NameFoard County
County SeatCrowell
PopulationApproximately 1,200
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesCrowell
Interstates and HighwaysU.S. Highway 70, State Highway 6
FIPS Code48-155
Total Area (Land and Water)708 square miles (704 sq mi land, 4 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Hardeman County (North), Wilbarger County (East), Baylor County (Southeast), Knox County (South), King County (Southwest), Cottle County (West)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CST)
Coordinates33°59’N, 99°45’W
EtymologyNamed after Robert Levi Foard, a lawyer and assistant district attorney
Major LandmarksCopper Breaks State Park, Crowell City Park, Foard County Courthouse
WebsiteFoard County Website

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