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Scotts Bluff County Map, Nebraska

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Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska

Scotts Bluff Location Map Nebraska

Scotts Bluff County is out in the Nebraska Panhandle, next to Wyoming. Gering is the county seat. But Scottsbluff is the biggest town. The two are right next to each other. They might as well be one city.

The North Platte River runs through here, which creates a green valley in the middle of the high plains. Scotts Bluff National Monument is the big draw. You can see it for miles.

The Oregon Trail came through here. You can still see the wagon ruts. Folks here are proud of their history. They’ve got museums and reenactments to prove it. Scotts Bluff County has natural beauty that’s truly unique to Nebraska’s Panhandle.

County NameScotts Bluff County
County SeatGering
PopulationApproximately 35,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesScottsbluff, Gering, Mitchell, Morrill, Terrytown, Minatare, Melbeta, McGrew
Interstates and HighwaysUS 26, US 71, NE 92
FIPS Code31-157
Total Area (Land and Water)746 square miles (Land: 739 sq mi, Water: 7 sq mi)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Sioux County (North), Box Butte County (Northeast), Morrill County (East), Banner County (South), Goshen County, Wyoming (West)
Time ZoneMountain Time Zone (MT)
Coordinates41.8569° N, 103.7075° W
EtymologyNamed after a prominent bluff along the North Platte River, itself named after fur trader Hiram Scott
Major LandmarksScotts Bluff National Monument, Legacy of the Plains Museum, Riverside Discovery Center
WebsiteScotts Bluff County Website

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