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McCulloch County Map, Texas

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McCulloch County, Texas

McCulloch Location Map Texas

McCulloch County is right in the heart of Texas. Brady, the county seat, calls itself the “Heart of Texas”. And they’ve got a monument to prove it. This city is the closest to the geographic center in the state of Texas.

This place has seen its share of history. It was once home to a huge World War II training camp. The land here is rugged but beautiful. You’ve got prairies, hills, and the Colorado River cutting through the northern border.

Hunting is big. Deer season brings in folks from all over. The county is named after Ben McCulloch, a Texas Ranger and Confederate general. Pecan orchards cover the landscape. Come fall, you can smell them roasting. The people here are proud of their heritage. They’re always ready with a story and a warm welcome.

County NameMcCulloch County
County SeatBrady
PopulationApproximately 7,500
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesBrady, Lohn, Melvin, Voca
Interstates and HighwaysU.S. Highway 87, U.S. Highway 190, State Highway 71
FIPS Code48-307
Total Area (Land and Water)1,073 square miles (1,066 sq mi land, 7 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Coleman County (North), Brown County (Northeast), San Saba County (East), Mason County (South), Menard County (Southwest), Concho County (West)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CST)
Coordinates31°12’N, 99°34’W
EtymologyNamed after Benjamin McCulloch, a Texas Ranger and Confederate general
Major LandmarksHeart of Texas Historical Museum, Brady Lake, McCulloch County Courthouse
WebsiteMcCulloch County Website

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