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San Saba County Map, Texas

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San Saba County, Texas

San Saba Location Map Texas

San Saba County is in Central Texas, where the Hill Country meets the plains. They call San Saba County the Pecan Capital of the World. The Colorado River forms the northern border.

The county seat, also named San Saba, is a small town with a lot of character. Hunting is big here. Deer season brings a flood of visitors. Colorado Bend State Park is nearby.

The San Saba River cuts through the county, which is what the county is named after. Ranching is still a way of life for many folks here. The wildflowers in spring are spectacular. You can almost hear the ghost of frontier Texas whispering on the wind.

County NameSan Saba County
County SeatSan Saba
PopulationApproximately 5,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesSan Saba, Cherokee, Richland Springs
Interstates and HighwaysU.S. Highway 190, State Highway 16
FIPS Code48-411
Total Area (Land and Water)1,236 square miles (1,234 sq mi land, 2 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Mills County (North), Lampasas County (East), Burnet County (Southeast), Llano County (South), Mason County (Southwest), McCulloch County (West), Brown County (Northwest)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CST)
Coordinates31°10’N, 98°43’W
EtymologyNamed after the San Saba River, which flows through the county
Major LandmarksSan Saba County Courthouse, San Saba River
WebsiteSan Saba County Website

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