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Eastland County Map, Texas

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Eastland County, Texas

Eastland Location Map Texas

Eastland County is right in the heart of Texas. It’s about halfway between Fort Worth and Abilene. It has a lot of small towns. Eastland is the biggest. I-20 cuts through the county so it brings some business, sure.

The county has some quirky claims to fame. Ever heard of Old Rip? He’s a horned toad that supposedly lived in their courthouse cornerstone for 31 years. There’s even a statue of it.

But it’s still pretty quiet. Oil booms have come and gone. They definitely left their mark, though. Lake Leon is a popular spot. Good fishing, they say. It’s slow living out here. Some folks like it that way.

County NameEastland County
County SeatEastland
PopulationApproximately 18,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesEastland, Cisco, Ranger, Gorman, Carbon
Interstates and HighwaysInterstate 20, U.S. Highway 183, State Highway 6
FIPS Code48-133
Total Area (Land and Water)932 square miles (926 sq mi land, 6 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Stephens County (North), Palo Pinto County (Northeast), Erath County (East), Comanche County (Southeast), Brown County (South), Callahan County (West), Shackelford County (Northwest)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CST)
Coordinates32°24’N, 98°50’W
EtymologyNamed after William M. Eastland, a soldier during the Texas Revolution
Major LandmarksEastland County Courthouse, Eastland Outdoor Theatre, Old Rip Statue
WebsiteEastland County Website

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