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Gilliam County Map, Oregon

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Gilliam County, Oregon

Gilliam Location Map Oregon

Gilliam County sits in north-central Oregon, where the Columbia Plateau meets the Blue Mountains. It’s a place of wide-open spaces and big skies. Wheat fields stretch to the horizon.

Interstate 84 and the Columbia River form the northern border with the state of Washington. Condon is the county seat, is a small town with a lot of character. Locals are proud of their agricultural heritage.

Fishing and hunting are popular pastimes here. Wind farms are on the landscape, a sign of changing times. But ranching and farming still rule. It’s quiet out here, and that’s how folks like it.

County NameGilliam County
County SeatCondon
PopulationApproximately 2,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesCondon, Arlington, Lonerock
Interstates and HighwaysInterstate 84, U.S. Highway 30, State Highway 19
FIPS Code41-021
Total Area (Land and Water)1,223 square miles (1,204 sq mi land, 19 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Klickitat County, Washington (North), Morrow County (East), Wheeler County (South), Wasco County (Southwest), Sherman County (West)
Time ZonePacific Time Zone (PST)
Coordinates45°16’N, 120°11’W
EtymologyNamed after Cornelius Gilliam, a pioneer colonel
Major LandmarksCottonwood Canyon State Park, John Day River, Historic Condon Hotel
WebsiteGilliam County Website

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