Adams County Map, Colorado
Adams County is next to Denver, on the northeast side. People started moving here back in the 1800s, looking for gold and new opportunities.
Adams County is next to Denver, on the northeast side. People started moving here back in the 1800s, looking for gold and new opportunities.
Alamosa County sits in southern Colorado, in the middle of the San Luis Valley. It’s flat, with the Sangre de Cristo Mountains to the east.
Arapahoe County stretches from the Denver metro area out to the eastern plains. It’s long and narrow, covering both city and country.
Archuleta County is tucked away in southwest Colorado, surrounded by mountains and forests. Pagosa Springs is the main town and county seat.
Baca County sits in the far southeast corner of Colorado, right where the state meets Oklahoma and Kansas. It’s mostly flat, with prairies.
Bent County is in southeast Colorado, along the Arkansas River. Las Animas is the biggest town and county seat. It’s mostly flat farmland.
Boulder County sits where the plains meet the Rockies, just northwest of Denver. It has mountains, forests, farmland, and urban area.
Broomfield County is Colorado’s newest and smallest county, created in 2001. It’s wedged between Denver and Boulder, in a metro area.
Chaffee County is in central Colorado, right in the heart of the Rockies. Fourteeners (mountains over 14,000 feet) surround the county.
Cheyenne County is out on Colorado’s eastern plains, bordering Kansas. Flat farmland is what you see here. Wheat fields stretch far.
Clear Creek County is in the mountains west of Denver. It’s named after Clear Creek, which cuts through the middle of the county.
Conejos County is in southern Colorado, right up against New Mexico. It’s mostly rural, with small towns scattered around.
Costilla County is at the south end of Colorado San Luis Valley next to New Mexico. San Luis, the county seat, is the oldest town in Colorado.
Crowley County is on Colorado’s eastern plains, east of Pueblo. Ordway is the county seat, a small town like the rest here.
Custer County is in south-central Colorado, tucked into the Wet Mountains. Westcliffe and Silver Cliff are the main towns, old mining spots.