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Converse County Map, Wyoming

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Converse County, Wyoming

Converse Location Map Wyoming

Converse County is in the heart of Wyoming. It’s mostly prairie, broken up by buttes and the occasional mountain. The North Platte River snakes through, creating a green ribbon in the dry landscape.

Douglas, the county seat, is famous for its jackalope statue. It’s become a quirky symbol of the area. Oil and gas drive the economy these days. But ranching is still big. You’ll see plenty of cattle grazing on the open range.

Winters can be extremely cold here. The wind here’ll cut right through you. But summers are gorgeous. Locals love to get out and enjoy the land. Hiking, fishing, hunting… It’s all right outside your door.

County NameConverse County
County SeatDouglas
PopulationApproximately 13,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesDouglas, Glenrock, Rolling Hills, Orin, Lost Springs
Interstates and HighwaysI-25, US-20, WY-59, WY-93
FIPS Code56-009
Total Area (Land and Water)4,265 sq mi (Land: 4,255 sq mi; Water: 10 sq mi)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Campbell County (North), Weston County (Northeast), Niobrara County (East), Platte County (Southeast), Albany County (South), Carbon County (Southwest), Natrona County (West), Johnson County (Northwest)
Time ZoneMountain Time Zone (MT)
Coordinates42.8828° N, 105.5072° W
EtymologyNamed after Amasa Rice Converse, a banker and rancher from Cheyenne, Wyoming
Major LandmarksAyres Natural Bridge, Fort Fetterman State Historic Site, Thunder Basin National Grassland
WebsiteConverse County Website

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