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La Salle County Map, Texas

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La Salle County, Texas

La Salle Location Map Texas

La Salle County is down in South Texas. It’s not exactly a tourist hotspot, but it has its own kind of appeal. Oil and gas are big here. The county seat is Cotulla, named after a Polish immigrant who founded the town.

It’s small, with only about 7,000 people in the whole county. Brush Country surrounds you here. Tough and scrubby, it’s classic South Texas terrain.

The Nueces River runs through the county, providing a bit of green relief. Hunting is popular, especially for white-tailed deer and wild turkey. It’s hot and dry most of the year. But when the bluebonnets bloom in spring, it’s a sight to see.

County NameLa Salle County
County SeatCotulla
PopulationApproximately 7,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesCotulla, Fowlerton, Artesia Wells
Interstates and HighwaysInterstate 35, U.S. Highway 83
FIPS Code48-283
Total Area (Land and Water)1,494 square miles (1,487 sq mi land, 7 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Frio County (North), Atascosa County (Northeast), McMullen County (East), Webb County (South), Dimmit County (West), Zavala County (Northwest)
Time ZoneCentral Time Zone (CST)
Coordinates28°21’N, 99°15’W
EtymologyNamed after René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, a French explorer
Major LandmarksBrush Country Museum, La Salle County Courthouse, Welhausen Park
WebsiteLa Salle County Website

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