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Union County Map, Oregon

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Union County, Oregon

Union Location Map Oregon

Union County sits in the northeast corner of Oregon. You’ll find Blue Mountains and sprawling valleys. La Grande, the county seat, is a hub for outdoor-type-of-people.

Hiking trails crisscross Catherine Creek State Park. Winters bring deep snow, perfect for skiing at Anthony Lakes. Summers are hot and dry. Forests basically surround the inner populated communities.

The county’s history is tied to the Oregon Trail. Cattle ranching remains a key industry here. Oh, and don’t miss the hot springs because they’re a local secret.

County NameUnion County
County SeatLa Grande
PopulationApproximately 27,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesLa Grande, Union, Elgin, North Powder, Imbler, Summerville, Cove
Interstates and HighwaysInterstate 84, U.S. Highway 30, State Highway 82
FIPS Code41-061
Total Area (Land and Water)2,039 square miles (2,037 sq mi land, 2 sq mi water)
Adjacent Counties (and Direction)Umatilla County (Northwest), Wallowa County (Northeast), Baker County (Southeast), Grant County (Southwest)
Time ZonePacific Time Zone (PST)
Coordinates45°20’N, 118°00’W
EtymologyNamed for the town of Union, itself named for the Union during the Civil War
Major LandmarksEagle Cap Wilderness, Anthony Lakes, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest
WebsiteUnion County Website

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