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North Slope Borough Map, Alaska

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North Slope Borough, Alaska

North Slope Location Map Alaska

North Slope Borough is the northernmost part of Alaska, stretching from the Brooks Range to the Arctic Ocean. It’s huge and is about the size of Minnesota. But only has around 10,000 people.

Most folks live in Utqiaġvik (formerly Barrow), the northernmost town in the U.S. Oil is big here – Prudhoe Bay is in the borough. The land is mostly flat tundra, frozen for much of the year. Winters are long and dark, with the sun not rising for weeks. Summers bring constant daylight but stay cool.

Many residents are Iñupiat and still practice traditional hunting and whaling. Wildlife includes polar bears, caribou, and whales. The borough is very remote, with no roads connecting it to the rest of Alaska. Climate change is a big concern here. But it has a strong sense of community.

Borough NameNorth Slope Borough
Borough SeatUtqiaġvik (formerly Barrow)
PopulationApproximately 10,000
Cities, Towns, and CommunitiesUtqiaġvik, Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Point Hope, Point Lay, Wainwright
Interstates and HighwaysNone (No interstates; Dalton Highway serves the area)
FIPS Code02-185
Total Area (Land and Water)94,796 square miles (Land: 88,695 sq mi, Water: 6,101 sq mi)
Adjacent Boroughs and Census Areas (and Direction)Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (Southeast), Northwest Arctic Borough (Southwest)
Time ZoneAlaska Time Zone (AKT)
Coordinates71.2906° N, 156.7886° W
EtymologyNamed after its geographical location on the northernmost edge (slope) along the Brooks Range.
Major LandmarksArctic National Wildlife Refuge, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Prudhoe Bay Oil Fields, Point Barrow, Teshekpuk Lake, Iñupiat Heritage Center
WebsiteNorth Slope Borough Website

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